Do you run an online store? Do you manage the data of your contractual partners? If you store names and addresses in a list (excel), the GDPR applies to you and your organization. In practice, you can get to know the review of old databases, the development of new informational texts for data management, the steps of carrying out an impact assessment and risk analysis. Together, we interpret the requirements of the regulation, and in practice we show the steps to build the minimum and optimal personal data management system.
In the training, knowledge related to the establishment of a personal data management system that meets the requirements of the GDPR regulation forms the backbone of the curriculum. In the training, through practical examples, you can get to know the steps required by law to perform the registration system, documentation, impact analysis and information tasks.
The purpose of the training is to train data protection officers (DPOs) who are able to independently prepare an organization/office for compliance with the GDPR law and prepare the necessary documentation.
When preparing the training material, we took into account the requirements of the GDPR regulation, the significant changes that have taken place in recent years in the recommendations of IT management systems and information security expectations, changes in regulations, as well as the recommendations of the MSZ ISO/IEC 27001:2014 standard and COBIT 5.0.
2025. év képzési időpontok
2025. május 20-23.
2025. szeptember 16-19.
Who is it recommended for - Who is it mandatory for?
Who must appoint a DPO:
For Hospitals, Banks, Municipalities, State Public Service Organizations, Transportation Companies, Public Works Service Providers, Internet Service Providers, Telecommunications, Cable TV Service Providers, Asset Protection Organizations, etc.
IT service providers who provide services to the above organizations.
We recommend the training to:
Those who handle personal data in any form
For owners, developers and operators of online stores
For software developers whose products manage data
For data protection officers of healthcare, financial and public administration organizations
For managers of organizations providing IT services
Participants of our trainings, most often
Public Service Data Protection Officers
Managers of online stores
SME executives
Operational directors of economic organizations
Managers responsible for information security of state organizations
IT managers
Information Security Managers
Training exercises
We illustrate the GDPR expectations learned in theory with extensive examples from various economic and public service areas.
We show practical examples of the implementation of individual GDPR requirements:
Example Data management declaration
Mandatory data management record examples
Impact analysis
Data Transfer Register
Training participants after completing the training
They know the requirements of the GDPR regulation
They are able to determine the purpose and legal basis of data management
They are able to perform an impact analysis of data management processes managed by an organization
They are able to perform GDPR data cleaning of previously created databases
They are able to perform the role of data protection officer within the organization
They know the steps to create a data management system in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR regulation

Basic concepts of information security
Basic data management concepts, data management principles
Legal bases of data management
Data management information
GDPR compliance of old databases
Damage value-based risk analysis methodology
Data protection impact assessment
Transfer of data to 3rd parties
Complete deletion implementation
Profile creation
Description of the GDPR regulation
Development of a documentation system
Practical examples

Complete our training courses online
Training from your home! All our training courses are available via video link. With the help of Microsoft Teams, we make our marked trainings available remotely.
All you will have to do is enter the online broadcast after completing the 2-3 steps described in the documentation you received before the training with the help of an online video connection (suitable for using online movies or YouTube).
We continuously take the training with two cameras: One camera will broadcast the slides and the other camera will broadcast the speaker.
You will continuously hear and see the lecture and the questions of the students. You can also ask your questions about what was said in writing, to which the lecturer will answer at regular intervals during the blocks.
1 person
Educational material
Examination fee
HUF 174,000 + VAT
Optional CERTOP certificate HUF 30,000 + VAT/person
2 Main
Educational material
Examination fee
HUF 330,600 + VAT
5% discount
Optional CERTOP certificate HUF 30,000 + VAT/person
Online participation
Educational material
Examination fee
HUF 158,000 + VAT/main
Optional CERTOP certificate HUF 30,000 + VAT/person